Outreach @ FBCSF

Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry is one of the most active parts of our church! They meet regularly in teams to do service projects, fellowship, and study God's Word. Here are just a few of their ongoing projects:

Operation Christmas Shoeboxes

Backpacks and School Supplies

Meals and Treats for First Responders

Treats for Teachers

Labor of Love Blankets

Sewing Projects

Fruit and "Goody" Baskets for Homebound

Supplies for Alabama Baptist Children's Home

Supplies for Women's Care Medical Center

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Kathleen Mallory State Missions Offering

Men's Ministry

  • Our Men's Ministry is not only a blessing to the men in our church, but they are a blessing to our community! You will often find our men out in the community working on Service Projects for people and organizations in need. They have built ramps, decks, worked on major and minor repairs, yardwork, and construction. Our men are the Best! 
  • The men also meet on the First Sunday of each month for a Breakfast and Devotional in the Activities Building at 7:30am. Men and boys of all ages are invited to attend! 
  • Men's Bible Study is a great time of fellowship and deep study into the Word of God. These themed Bible Studies are offered throughout the year and are always a blessing.

Children & Youth

We want to teach our students to have servants' hearts! Our students regularly volunteer at a local Food Pantry to help prepare food boxes for weekly distribution. Also, the "Bucket Fund" Offering that the Children collect in each Morning Service is designated for local missions. The Children and Youth are able to use these funds in their service projects. They have used these funds for fruit and goody baskets for homebound and nursing home residents, care packages for homeless, Bibles for hospitals, and many other projects that are in the works for the near future! 

Media Ministry

Our Media Ministry is in charge of the sound, video, lights, and technical productions for each service as well as our online and social media presence. As time goes on, this ministry seems to be growing rapidly to reach a world that is accelerating even faster! One unique part of this ministry is that we have incorporated our older children and youth to help as "trainees" and volunteers. These children and teens tell us that they are better able to focus on the Pastor's message and learn to use their talents for God's glory! 


At FBCSF, we believe that Missions should be at the heart of our church. We should always be reaching out with the Love of God and the Gospel of Jesus! Whether that looks like:

Mission Trip to the Appalachian Region of KY

Hurricane Relief to Mississippi

Distributing Christmas Backpacks to Children in LA

Hurricane Cleanup in Baldwin County

Vacation Bible School

Fall Festivals and Community Outreach Events

Supporting Missionaries across the world

Praying for the lost in our families and communities

We want to be faithful to

show love, make disciples, and share Jesus!